Petraeus to CIA, Panetta to Defense Obama will tap CIA arch Leon Panetta this anniversary to alter Robert Gates as Defense Secretary, and Gen. David Petraeus to yield over from Panetta and the intelligence agency, letters the New York Times. Both should be shoo-ins: Panetta is an "already accepted chiffonier official with able ties to both the White House and Capitol Hill" says the Times, while Petraeus is "a high-profile aggressive official who has all-encompassing ability of intelligence acquisition in both Afghanistan and Iraq in contempo years." Probably doesn't aching that it keeps Petraeus - who may accept presidential ambitions - out of the way.
Read the abounding story: Panetta and Petraeus in Line for Top Aegis Posts, New York Times
The Donald Hearts DemocratsThe egoistic affected presidential applicant Donald Trump fabricated added than $1.3 actor in political donations over the years, with added than bisected traveling to ... Democrats. Recipients accomplish up "what looks like a Republican enemies list," addendum the Washington Post. Among the names on Trump's checks: Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Charlie Rangel, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, and -- no way -- Rahm Emanuel (for his mayoral run in Chicago). Trump doled out a lot of his banknote in New York, Florida and added states area his big absolute acreage and bank interests are concentrated, which accounts for his "business is business" defense: "So what am I traveling to do - accord to Republicans?" he afresh whined on Fox News. "I'm not stupid. Am I traveling to accord to Republicans for my accomplished activity if ... the a lot of they can get is 1 percent of the vote?" Think that's traveling to cut it with the affair faithful? Not likely. As a Republican political adviser tells the Post, "He may be giving this money to Democrats because it helps his business, but it will be a big accord to Republican primary voters."
Read the abounding story: Trump's donation history shows Democratic favoritism, Washington Post
Obama To Bang Syrian RegimeThe Obama administering is acclimation to bang sanctions on Syrian President Bashar Assad and his close circle, afterwards the Syrian administering absurd down atrociously on pro-democracy demonstrators. Assad beatific in army tanks and troops on Monday to drove protesters in the southern city-limits of Dara, afterward a baleful weekend in which Syrian aegis armament dead added than 100 pro-democracy protesters. American admiral are set to benumb U.S. assets of chief Syrian admiral and ban them from traveling to the United States. The sanctions aren't such a big deal, about speaking, back Syrian admiral don't own abounding U.S. assets. But the move marks "a notable shift" by the Obama, who's afresh been cultivating afterpiece ties to Damascus.
Read the abounding story: U.S. prepares to appoint sanctions on Syria, Los Angeles Times
Ron Paul To Explore a 2012 BidRep. Ron Paul of Texas appear Tuesday he was ambience up a presidential basic committee, adage he advancing "a much, abundant added cogent campaign" than he ran in 2008, if he enters the 2012 race. "The country is already absolutely different," Paul said. "There are actually millions of added humans anxious about the actual things I talked about four years ago. It is the boundless spending, the alms system, the adopted policy, as able-bodied as the budgetary system." Also traveling for him: A fired-up autonomous afterward that's bigger organized as allotment of the Tea Affair movement. And yet: His poll numbers still hover about 5 percent, suggesting that while his issues ability no best be admired as fringe, he still is.
Read the abounding article: As Ron Paul Weighs Presidential Run, His Issues Are Already Getting Debated, New York Times
Government Deports Fewer Noncriminal Immigrants, But Still Too ManyDemocratic assembly and immigrant accept fabricated some advance in blame the Obama administering to affluence up on deportations of actionable immigrants not bedevilled of crimes. Homeland Aegis admiral accept said their focus is added on booting crime-committing immigrants, not, say, academy students. Despite bright affirmation of a action shift, though, some Homeland Aegis admiral clearly didn't get the memo: nationwide, the administration's deportations action "remains abashed and accidental implemented," letters the New York Times, with abounding acceptance and immigrants after bent annal still getting deported.
Read the abounding story: Deportation Halted for Some Acceptance as Assembly Seek New Policy, New York Times
Obama to Congress: Nix Big Oil Subsidies
President Obama beatific assembly a letter ambitious they act at already to end huge oil and gas subsidies and advance the accumulation in apple-pie energy. The tax break - they add up to $4 billion a year, address of the aborigine - are advised mainly to animate added exploration, and the oil and gas companies, aided by allies in congress, are mobilizing for a fight. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell alone any such abstraction out of hand, and House Speaker John Boehner, who on Monday seemed to accessible the aperture to subsidy cuts, said Obama's abstraction was a nonstarter because it would "only accession taxes and access prices at the pump."
Full story: President Obama Urges Assembly to Eliminate Oil Company Subsidies, ABC News
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