Have You Ever Noticed That All Movie Posters Look the Same?

11:00 No Comment

I adulation this. Someone noticed that cine posters are consistently the aforementioned and calm them to prove it. Some of the architecture clichés are hilarious, like Tiny Humans On the Bank With Behemothic Active in the Clouds or Legs Wide Spread.

These are some of my favorites.

They are hilarious. You can acquisition abounding added here, agilely aggregate by Christophe Courtois. [Le Sibère Carnet de Christophe Courtois]

Have You Ever Noticed That All Movie Posters Look the Same?

The aback to back.

Have You Ever Noticed That All Movie Posters Look the Same?

The humans or something abroad amid boundless legs.

Have You Ever Noticed That All Movie Posters Look the Same?

Tiny humans on a bank with behemothic active in the clouds.

Have You Ever Noticed That All Movie Posters Look the Same?

Freaking big eye.

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